- Daily Contributions (Isusu/Akawo)
- Current Deposits
- Savings Deposits
- Fixed Deposits
Every Account holder shall pay a registration fee of N2,000 for purchase of form upon collection of form
- Daily Contributions (Isusu/Akawo) – Minimum Daily Contribution shall be for 30 days circle (including Saturdays and Sundays) shall be a minimum N500 per day. Fridays collections shall be double to cover Saturday while Mondays shall be Double to cover Sunday collections.
Charge will be 10% per month. Monthly payment shall be paid after deduction of 10% Administrative charge to the customer personally, transferred to the Savings or Current Deposit upon instruction by the customer.
- Current Deposit – Account opening Shall be minimum cash of N500. The monthly charge to the customer shall be N1.50 per N1,000 withdrawal. Minimum account balance shall be N500.
- Savings Deposits – Minimum savings Deposit is N5,000. The interest rate payable to the account holder is 5% p.a. subject to review based on the market rate of returns.
- Fixed Deposit – Minimum fixed deposit is N10,000. Interest Rate which shall be subject to review based on the market rate of returns shall be based on the following ranges:
N10,000 –N1,000,000 – 5% per annum
N1,000,001 – N5,000,000 – 7.5% per annum
N5,000,001 and Above – Negotiable